Arcade PROM adapter boards
24U - Universal Adapter board for 2708/2716/2732 EPROMS - never buy a ton of different EPROMS again
2732-to-2532 - EPROM adapter kit - Replace a 2532 with a 2732
82S129-82S131-to-27512 - Universal Adapter board for replacing 82S126, 82S129 or 82S131 bi polar proms with W27C512
82S123-to-27512 - Adapter board for replacing 82S123 bi polar proms with W27C512
4116-to-4164 - Adapter boards (8) for replacing 4116 RAM with 4164 RAM
82Sxxx-READERS - Adapter boards (3) for reading 82S123, 82S129, and 82S131 bi polar proms as a 27512
Plug and Play ROM replacement boards
GALAXIAN-DB-R - Galaxian daugter board replacement kit- Replace your old broken or missing Galaxian daughter board.
CENTIPEDE-R - Centipede code single ROM kit - Replace your old broken or missing Centipede ROMS with a single ROM
VICDUAL-DB - The Sega/Gremlin Dual VIC plug and play ROM replacement daughterboard - Remove the need for the 8 - 16 2708s EPROMS on a Sega/Gremlin VIC/DUAL vic board with this plug and play CPU daughter board.
TEMPEST-DUAL-DB - Atari Tempest and Tempest Tubes plug and play ROM replacement daughterboard - Remove the need for the 10 2716 EPROMS on an Atari Tempest board with this plug and play CPU daughter board.
ASTDELUXE-DUAL-DB - Atari Asteroids Deluxe plug and play ROM replacement daughterboard - A ROM saver and kit to allow switching between Asteroids Deluxe version 1 (very challenging) and version 3 (normal version)
RALLYX-DB - Midway Rally-X single ROM saver
NEW-RALLYX-DB - Kit to upgrade Midway Rally X to New Rally X
Hack it yourself prototyping kits
SRBP - Basic Single ROM Prototyping Board - Develop your own custom single ROM solutions/hacks.
SRBP-PRO-6502 - Advanced Plug and Play Single ROM Prototyping Board for 6502 based systems - Develop your own custom plug and play single ROM solutions/hacks for 6502 based systems
SRBP-PRO-Z80 - Advanced Plug and Play Single ROM Prototyping Board for Z80 based systems - Develop your own custom plug and play single ROM solutions/hacks for Z80 based systems
Merit Megatouch upgrades
MEGAFORCE-SSD-XX - SSD hard drive replacement kit for Megatouch force systems
Working Game PCB boards
All our working game boards that we currently have in stock are available via our
Etsy store.